Online Speech Therapy For Children
With our online speech therapy for children, we offer a complete range of speech and language assessment, therapy, caregiver coaching and consultation services. If your concern is not listed below please call for further information.
Assessment, therapy and consultation services en Français or in English on your schedule.
Services are delivered using a secure virtual platform and include frequent updates on progress as well as strategies and home practice.
Language Delay
Language delays are delays in understand and/or using words, the number of words a child has and how they are combined. If your child is not meeting their language milestones an evaluation by a certified Speech-Language Pathologist is recommended. Early intervention can make all the difference!
Your child should have 2-6 words by age one, follow simple directions and say 50 words by 18 months, and follow 2-step directions and speak in 2-word and some 3-word combinations by age 2. By age 3 he or she should speak in short phrases and by age 4 he or she should be understood by most strangers.
Language delays can persist throughout childhood. We offer a range of services to fit your child's needs and age group.
Autism and Social language
Children with autism may experience an array of speech and language delays. We work with you and your child to assess your child's needs and create a treatment plan that is designed for your family.
Social language includes using language to make friends and interact with peers for a variety of purposes, and following rules for conversation and different social and academic settings
Social language is a very important part of communication as it is the allows children to communicate effectively to form relationships, participate in their environments and relate to peers.

Articulation, Motor Speech and Phonological Delays
Articulation, motor speech, and phonological delays are delays in speech sound production. These types of delays can make a child difficult to understand and can lead to frustration and difficulties at school, daycare and in social interactions. A lisp is an example of an articulation delay. Phonological delays consist of ways that children change speech sounds to make them easier to pronounce (i.e.: saying sees in place of she's) that do not disappear by the expected age. Motor speech challenges are challenges planning and executing the movements for speech. Speech therapy focuses on identified the sounds that are challenging for your child and helping them to be understood in their day to day interactions.
Stuttering is characterized by repetitions of words or parts of words as well as blocks (no sound coming out despite trying to say a sound) and prolongations of speech sounds (holding a sound longer than expected ie: sssssocks) . Very frequent interjections (um, like) may also be present. Everyone has disfluencies in their speech from time to time, but people who stutter experience them more frequently. Stuttering may also be accompanied by facial or body movements, tension in the face or neck, or the perception that the speaker is out of breath.
If stuttering is affecting day-to-day communications, we can help by performing an assessment and creating a treatment plan to allow you or your child to communicate more freely and confidently in a variety of environments.
Early Literacy and Phonological Awareness
Difficulties with early literacy can include trouble knowing which sound different letters make (phonological awareness), trouble reading or spelling, mixing up the order of letters, difficulties with comprehension of written texts, and challenges in expressing ideas.
Delays in literacy can lead to struggles with learning new material and meeting a child's potential. Intervention for early literacy evaluates and targets your child's needs to help support him or her improve their confidence and skills in the areas that are challenging for them.
And so much more!
Contact us today to learn more about our online speech therapy for children.
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Online Speech Therapy for Adults